Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thank you Ashley!!!.....

for showing me how to edit pictures using ZoomBrowser EX!!
Here's what I've done so far!! :-)

I am having SO much fun adding Bible verses to my pictures!

Thanks again, Ashley!! :-)


Hannah said...

thats really cool! and was that snake poisones??

Dana Lewis said...

Thanks!!! No, it wasn't. Mama thought it was, but it had a round pupil, and that means it was not poisonous :-)

P.S. I LOVE your profile picture!!! :-)

Hannah said...

Thanks! ;) good that it wasn't! :] I LOVE the first one!

Dana Lewis said...

Your welcome!! Me too! ;-) Thank you!! :-)


Ashley said...

those are ALL very pretty!!
and I am having a hard time choosing my favorites....Hmmm...maybe the first, like Hannah said.
