Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pictures from the Creation Museum (day 3 and 4)

LOL!! Isn't that hilarious!!

Elijah, Isaac, and Joseph looking at something :-),
Watching a movie about the 6 days of Creation,
The CM had a really nice petting zoo with 14 or 15 different kinds of animals.
The Pig,
The Miniature Donkey (it was really small, so I'm just guessing it was a mini :-D),
A cow of some kind :-),
A Zonkey (mix between a Zebra and a donkey),
A Zorse (mix between a Zebra and a Horse),
Zorse (female) and Zonkey (male)
they have the same father, can you tell? :-D,
A goat,
The Camel named Gomer :-),
He could lean over the fence and eat off the ground on the other side!
Caleb trying to convince Joseph that it was ok to feed the camel... :-)
One of the Llamas,
The Sheep,
MaryVance and a chicken,
A new family picture! :-)
And a new children picture :-)
I'll be back later with the snake pictures!


Ashley said...

I would like to go to the Creation muesum someday! (still trying to convince Evan he wants to go for his birthday).
Those statues look like real people!
"Space still Evolving" :-).
The Zonkey and Zorse are very pretty! (I like the Zonkey better though!).

Thank you for postin'!


Jessica said...

Wow! Those pictures look familiar! I accidentally found your blog through someones elses (I forget who, now!) and as I started to read realized, "Oh! We know these people!!!" : D
That "space is still evolving" sign was one of my favorites, too : D
