This kitten was one day old...

Sam had wanted us to take a picture like this for a long time... and yesterday he finally caught me at the right time so we could... :-)

Biddy (the mother cat) had three kittens on Saturday, and by today they all died... we think they were born pre-maturely... seeing how small they were...

And no, he didn't wash his hands first... such a B.O.Y!! LOL
all the kittens died?
And they one Sam is holding is SO pretty!
Yeah, they were all so small...
Thanks! I thought so too!!
How sad that they died =(
That little one IS a cutie! It's black and white too! >Giggle<
Oh, I really like your background too! It's VERY pretty and rustic looking!
God Bless! Paige
Yes! Black & white! Such a different mix compared to all our other, well, black & white cats!! LOL
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