It's not that I don't like kittens...
It's really not...
It's just that the more there are, the more we'll have to get rid of.
Yes, as you probably guessed already, one of our many cats had ANOTHER litter of kittens!!
And yes, they too are black & white!
Sugar (the mama cat) decided that Matt's old truck would be a fabulous place to have her kittens... so need less to say, the truck smelled like the wonderful aroma of, well, cat.
So now we are up to the grand total of 7 cats and 15 kittens which equals 22!
20 of them are black & white, and the other 2 are grey and white!!
AND, we just recently discovered that I and maybe Nehemiah are allergic to cats, which means we'll be finding new homes for all these cats!!
So, does anyone want a black & white, or a grey & white cat or kitten?!?! :-D
1 year ago
Sorry..none wanted here....Cats kinda come to us naturally!
Yeah, I knew y'all wouldn't need any. Do you still just have the one kitten? (sorry for my poor memory, but I just can't keep up!)
Hope y'all have a great week!!
That's a lot of cats Molly! You'll have to share pictures of the newest ones!
Allergic? Oh no! =( I will be praying that everything works out well, and that you all find good homes for them!
God Bless you all,
Yes, Just Morris.
Or Jeckel and I call him. at times.
Paige - I plan to take new pictures of all the cats sometime soon... so then I'll be sure to share them with y'all!
Thank you for praying Paige!!
Ashley - Why so you call him that?
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