Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Teaser pictures for up-coming posts...

{photos from a lovely trip to the beach}
{a photoshoot with my adorable nephew}
{a photoshoot with Matt & Jenn}
{and photos from my photoshoot with these two little fellas!}
P.S. Please keep Caleb in your prayers today... He's having surgery to have his wisdom teeth cut out... Poor fella...


Jenn said...

As always very beautiful Molly!! I love the pictures! It's so wonderful to be next door to a photographer! :) Thanks for taking our pic's! :) :)

ashley tahg said...

Can't wait!!

I'll be sure to keep him in my I too will have my wisdom teeth removed before too long! EEH!

Ruth Ann said...

That first picture is so very lovely. I've never been to the beaches on 'the other coast' - and it's amazing how different it looks!

all the 'sneak peaks' look like lots of fun. :) can't wait to see what you have! I have a lot of pictures I'm working on right now. Hopefully I'll get to share some soon... :)