Saturday, August 7, 2010

My little helpers...

Yes, this delightful duo helped me make supper the other night... let me just say they kept me on my toes!

It did get a little noisy from time to time... as you can see, they both are holding wooden spoons for me... which was a great idea at first... it helped keep their little hands off of things they weren't supposed to touch... but when they started banging the spoons on the counter, I gently persuaded them to just hold, not bang... well, that didn't work for very long... :-)
He sure doesn't look very enthusiastic about having his picture taken, does he?! LOL


Jennifer said...

Aww! That is so CUTE! You are such a good sissy...and Aunt! It looks like they were having fun!

ashley tahg said...

Did they get to be The' official testers'?

Paige said...

They both look like they had a lot of fun! I hope that our families can get together sometime, and that it will be you and I in the kitchen! =D


Molly said...

Paige -- Oh that would be so much fun!! Do you like to bake? If so, we could have a baking party together!
I can't wait till we can meet your family in person! :-)

I hope y'all have a wonderful week!