Caleb's 'Wacky Spice Cake' with Cream Cheese icing... mmm....

Matt, Jennifer, and Landon came over for Caleb's birthday. Matt's birthday was just two days before so I made him a cake too! His was a yellow cake with chocolate icing.

Both the cakes

Caleb blowing out his candles,

Matt blowing out
his candles,

The Birthday Boy!

Opening his presents from MaryVance...

The first one was a bunch of pictures she drew for him,


A Magic Tricks kit,

She forgot to wrap all of them, so Caleb just had to pretend they were wrapped... Oh, and these were funny ones from Mama and Daddy...

A JR Slinky... I don't have pictures of all of them, but he also got Silly Putty, Tops, and a little Soccer game... :-D

Now for his last present from Mama and Daddy...

Hhmm... I wonder what it is...

Whoa! I love the look in his face in this picture! A look of genuine surprise! :-D

Hhmm... Money, Money, Money!
Caleb wanted a telescope for his birthday, so he is gonna save up half of the money, and Mama and Daddy gave him the other half... :-)
so, is he close to getting his telescope?
Happy birthday to you Caleb!!!!
happy belated birthday, caleb! hope you had a great day.
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