Sunday, August 9, 2009

ATTENTION to ALL blog readers!!

If you are reading this post would you please reply to it with a comment.
I changed the commenting options to try and make it easier for everyone.


ETA: (Edit To Add) If you don't have a 'blogger account' you can still comment using the 'Name/URL' option, or the 'Anonymous' option... I would LOVE to here from all my blog readers who don't comment... so if you could drop me a line (or three! LOL!) I would love it! But if you don't wanna, you sure don't have to! :-)


Hannah said...

ok. here is your comment! =)

Amy said...


Anonymous said...

Here is a comment from your Nana....I love being able to read this blog and catch up on your lives, your pictures and everything since I don't get to see you real often. Love you Nana

carishepard said...

Looks like your comment feature is working.