Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nehemiah's 8 month pictures...(very belated!!)

I really can't believe he is EIGHT months old already....
they grow up SO fast!
Ahh... relaxin' in style!
Sweet smiles....

I love this one! It looks like he is talking to his puppy...
so cute!
His eyes are... Big, Pretty, and VERY Blue!!

Sam was making growling nosies to make he laugh...

I love the look on his face in this one!
Nehemiah is such a delightful baby!! :-)

He's eating the puppy... again!

Nehemiah is such a delight to all of us, and we are
all so thankful for him!!!! :-)


Ashley said...

He is a cutie...and since I know you will ask I will say this..
"he is the cutest baby BOY of his age!"


Ashley said...

Oh! I like your background!!


Dana Lewis said...

Thanks!! I wasn't planning on asking you that... but since you mentioned it... I just have to agree with you!!! :-)

P.S. I'm still waiting on those pictures!! ;-)