Ok Ashley (and gang) here ya go!! :-)
The Possum, we call him/her... Cutie Pie, Fluffy, and Sweetie!!
Isn't He/She SO cute?!
Look at those sweet little feet!
Oh and look at his/her adorable little tail!!
And now our Sweet Little Baby lives in the barn,
(anyway that is where it went when they let it go)
awww... he'/she is cute!! I really can't believe that I a m saying that about an opossum though... ;) anyhow...arn't you afraid he'll get into your chickens?? our chickens die from that alot around here....
Cute? You think he/she is Cute?! I can't believe you are saying that either!!!
No, I don't think that he/she will bother the chickens, we haven't had it happen yet. Because, our chickens are always in a pen, and we have dogs!!
P.S I love your profile picture!!
Hannah -- don't you agree that he/she looks like a mini ROUS?! (ya know, from Princess Bride!)
I think so anyway! :-)
Yeah, I agree, he DOES look like A ROUS, if only his coloring was diffrent!
So, ya'll gonna let it go? what does your 'cutie' ( :-P) eat??
Ashley -- yes, the boys let it go Wednesday, I was not there, but they said it REALLY did not want to go! Matt had to pick up the live trap and turn it up-side down and shake it to get it out! And then the Possum walked about 10 or 15 feet away and turned around and started to walk back towards them! (:-O)
I don't know exactly what they eat... but when he got caught in the live trap, he ate all the steak that was in there!! :-)
Oh! and Ashley...
Don't you just LOVE his ADORABLE little tale?!?!
And his sweet little feet?!
Yeah!!! I really do think he is cute!! :) I know thats crazy, but i do!! And thank you about my picture... I like it too ;) hmm I geuss he does look kind of like one...
Hannah -- you thinking he is cute is VERY crazy!!!
You guess he looks like one what?? :-)
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